
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Why Ty Should Rule the World, Not Just Our Family...

1. When asked by his Sunday school teacher last week what he was thankful for, he replied, "Toilet water, Mom, Dad, and Wii"

in that order.

2. At the end of Primary, we allow the kids an opportunity to go up to the microphone and recite an article of faith. They can either do so by memory or read it off of the poster. Sometimes little ones receive help from an older brother or sister.

With a new crop of Sunbeams (3 year olds), this is an interesting experience. Until Ty decides he wants to recite one. Then it becomes legendary...

I'm busy elsewhere in the room, so Briggs takes on the role of helping Ty at the mike. I thought this was sweet. Until Ty has the Primary as a captive audience...

"So, guess what? One day I threw up in my crib..."

I wasn't paying attention, really, but my subconscious registered that my offspring was causing quite a stir in Primary. I kind of froze long enough to see that all eyes had left Ty and were planted squarely on me, with wicked grins, waiting to see what I would do.

I quickly walked over to the podium and scooped Ty up before he could do any more damage, like telling people the sounds I make in the bathroom or what I look like naked.

"But, Mom! I didn't get to finish!"

Oh, no, Ty. Your finished. Quite finished.

3. As I'm typing this, Ty is reading this over my shoulder and dictating it back to me.

4. His eyebrow looks like it's concocting it's own diabolical plan.

5. The fifth reason Ty should rule the world is because of this video.

Yes, that is really his own voice.

Ty's Bob voice from Kate Rober on Vimeo.


Annessa B. said...

We are wiping tears off our face from laughing so hard! How is it possible that so much talent/spirit is in such a small body?!

Anonymous said...

so cute little boy!

Lisa Henderson said...

Oh man my computer is all whacked and i cant watch that video! I'm hearing his voice in my head though. and laughing from just what I imagine it to be.

Grandma Caroline said...

Well, I liked how he went to Church, but I laughed so hard just reading the way you say it Kate, between the two of you, you ought to go into show busines- commedy of course!

V and Co. said...

your life is NEVER going to be boring. i'm just saying.

now i have to go change my pants.

Mae said...

I love how Dapper-little-man he looks! And oh so well written!

Kaleena said...

wow - all that energy and he is cute to boot!

Mark and/or Lisa said...

Kam thinks this is so hilarious.